Mountain Fields: Photograph by Will Tenney
Photographs by Will Tenney Return to SPAIN button

Mountain Fields

High in the Sierra Nevada mountains south of Granada is the steep-sided Poqueira valley. Three white villages, inhabited since at least the 8th century, perch precariously on the terraced slopes. The highest, at about 5000 feet, is Capileira. Further up the valley from the village, the old farming ways are still practiced. Water is brought to the terraced fields by use of small aquaducts, open streams about a foot or so wide, lined with stone, which wend their way along the slope from their sources way up the valley. Walking through this region was a delight, with the gentle burbling sound of irrigating water everywhere.

Copyright © 2017 by Will Tenney. All rights reserved.
Please do not copy without prior written permission.


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