Morning Fog Below Domme: Photograph by Will Tenney
Photographs by Will Tenney Return to LANDSCAPE button

Morning Fog Below Domme

High on a bluff overlooking a sweeping bend in the Dordogne river, Domme, one of “Les Plus Beaux Villages de France,” was founded in the 13th century by Philip the Bold. It is one of several bastides, fortified towns, in south-western France. Today it is a tourist mecca, but by late September very few tourists venture up the steep hill. Our hotel in Domme was perched right on the edge of the precipice, and in the cool of the early morning, the valley below was blanketed in fog. As the sun’s rays warmed the air, the fog began to dissipate, allowing views through to the river and farms below.

Copyright © 2017 by Will Tenney. All rights reserved.
Please do not copy without prior written permission.


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